Thought: Do we even care anymore?

Do we even care anymore or have we just became so numb to it all.

When we see:

Children dying on the news or rockets and missiles attacking foreign lands or a homeless person on the street: our response is often ‘oh’ but then we take a million and one selfies, or are we just that narcissistic?

Despite the superficial nature of life, I want to believe that people are complicated and that we are just as selfless as we are selfish but let’s just challenge this thought and be something more.As humans we tend to want to protect our resources and that means often shunning those with nothing because sharing means losing. Have we lost that innocence?

I challenge you to do something selfless, or is that even an act anymore without broadcasting it to the world. However just try it and go without something you love, it will benefit you in the long run.

,Love Mimi


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