
Showing posts from April, 2017

When the richest gulf country bombs the poorest

A child living in Yemen or Syria and many other civilians who live in unstable countries should be living in a world that teaches them that the world is their oyster. However, lets focus on the situation that we seem to turn a blind eye to and it’s the country of Yemen and the humanitarian crisis that is happening. Imagine being a helpless child who is now homeless, without the comfort of parents because your home has been plummeted with cluster bombs. It may appear as just another result of war however that is the problematic situation that is continuously occurring in Yemen whereby their closest neighbours Saudi Arabia seem display their power and strength over them with the distressing sounds of bombs. Since 2015, the minority Shia Houthi forces captured the capital city of Sana’a they undermined the authority of the Sunni government headed by President Hadi who were friendly with their extravagant neighbours and this was the foundation of the basis of war when two forces c

Thought: Do we even care anymore?

Do we even care anymore or have we just became so numb to it all. When we see: Children dying on the news or rockets and missiles attacking foreign lands or a homeless person on the street: our response is often ‘oh’ but then we take a million and one selfies, or are we just that narcissistic? Despite the superficial nature of life, I want to believe that people are complicated and that we are just as selfless as we are selfish but let’s just challenge this thought and be something more.As humans we tend to want to protect our resources and that means often shunning those with nothing because sharing means losing. Have we lost that innocence? I challenge you to do something selfless, or is that even an act anymore without broadcasting it to the world. However just try it and go without something you love, it will benefit you in the long run. ,Love Mimi

My clothes, My choice

We live in a materialistic and judgemental world!  Wherever you are the beauty standards seem to either love or hate you; that’s just the way it is. If you aren’t hated, you’re despised!  because many either see you as being difficult or as a product of a patriarchal world; which happens to feel that you are a ‘strange woman’ living not in the mainstream of a so-called tolerant society-that your values are alien. However, when it comes down to it you are just a woman without representation in your daily life. To illustrate this view,  a woman who wears a Burkini versus a woman who wears a bikini should both be treated as women who want to enjoy the sun, Regardless? Despite, this many view one as liberated and the other restricted but isn’t being comfortable and happy true liberation but society a can be very fickle sometimes. Although many readers will at first will either think this illustration is not the same these two images juxtapose each other as they are wearing diffe